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HGV Fall Prevention

A V Birch Ltd has developed our existing modular platform system and we can now offer a mobile, versatile, and cost-effective way of protecting employees when working at heights.

Key Features

  • This system assembles in less than 5 minutes, more options available.
  • Our Modular System enables two people to build a safe platform along any length of vehicle, or part of a vehicle bed.
  • Platforms clip together and are secured with parking brakes.
  • Lightweight, easy to manoeuvre, strong and robust.
  • Each Platform is approximately 3.5 metres in length, the stairs can be clipped at either end of each platform and with a moveable end guardrail, this system is the most versatile on the market.

We understand the importance of providing a safe means of loading and unloading HGVs, while also offering protection from falling and heights and that is why we have redesigned our existing modular platform system to provide the industry with the HGV platform is has been waiting for.

This system can be designed to suit any environment, from construction sites to industry-specific requirements. 


Systems designed to suit your requirements

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